Clarity can only be found by going within.
Life Purpose
Before we enter this world in human form, a plan is conceived for this lifetime. The lessons we need to master, the challenges we are to face. The people we will meet, who will teach us. What we will contribute to the evolution of human consciousness.
How do I recall my life purpose?
Knowledge of the plan can be accessed via a guided meditation using a process developed in the 1970s by US physicians and psychologists Dr B. Weiss, M. Newton and Dr H. Wambach.
When you are in a relaxed state memories from your early childhood can be accessed, as far back as the first few months after your conception. At this stage you are still pure and unaffected by the expectations and emotions of your family and society.
By way of active dialogue with your subconscious it is possible to remember why you chose this time, place, gender and family to be born. Also what aspects of yourself you have chosen to develop in this life.
The process takes approximately 2 hours and is conducted in a relaxed and comfortable environment.
What are the Benefits?
- Recall your Life Purpose, clarify the lessons to be mastered
- Paradigm Shift: Gain insights and a shift in perception as to the challenges facing you
- Set a clear agenda for the future
- Obtain guidance and support from those helping you
Try it for yourself!
Pricing & Duraton: 1 on 1 sessions take around 2 hours and can be conducted over Skype or at my practice. The cost is A$ 195 per session at my practice.
For interstate & international clients; you can experience a past life exploration from the comfort of your home. all you need is a quiet room, a laptop or pc, headset, microphone and internet connection.
There is a Purpose to your Life and the circumstances in which you find yourself.
The knowledge of this purpose is stored in Your Subconscious. This Knowledge can be accessed in trance. You don’t need to go into a coma to have a near Death Experience.
There are many clues to what your life purpose is. This session will help you put it all together for clarity & purpose.
Clarity can only be found by going within!