About Julia Chai, principal at Minds Ease
Working with the Four Treasures – Mind, Heart, Spirit & Body
Hypnotherapy & NLP – Hypnotherapy and NLP are safe, efficient, and drug-free methods to turn emotional pain into emotional gain, so you can thrive not just survive.
Since 2008 Julia has helped hundreds of people access quantum spaces, past lives, between lives, release vows, ties, and ancestral baggage with hypnotherapy and DNA recalibration techniques. Julia has trained with the Toni Reilly Institute for Past Lives Regression techniques. Julia holds a Diploma in professional hypnotherapy from the Health & Harmony College of Australia and is a genome healing practitioner since 2017.
Qigong & TaiChi – Julia has been teaching Qigong and TaiChi since 2009 in Brisbane after practicing on and off for 20 years. Qigong is an ancient Chinese health care system that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques, and focused intention. Taichi is part of Qigong. For more information click here.
DNA Cellular Healing – Scientists have found that DNA can be affected by trauma, radiation, and other events in our environment. Subconscious patterns are also stored in organs, reflecting the dynamics of our family members and ancestors (epigenetics). With DNA Cellular Healing you can consciously connect with an organ, body part, or cell, identify what pattern is running at that level, and then recalibrate it back to the Divine blueprint. Everyone deserves a fresh start, don’t you think so?
Speaking Engagements – Julia is available to facilitate meditations, provide Qigong classes for workshops and retreats, corporate conferences or seminars. Julia is an inspirational speaker facilitator at energy-healing and spiritual connection conferences, workshops, and meditation circles. Past engagements include Byron Bay, Gold Coast, Bali, Vietnam, and Colorado.
Family Constellations – In 2022 Julia began facilitating regular Constellation Meets in Kelvin Grove. She is passionate about the practice, believing everyone should experience a Family Constellations at least once so as to understand what is possible and to experience how dynamics in a family play out and can be shifted. Visit https://mindsease.com.au/workshops/ for dates and times.
Healing Circle: In service to the community Julia leads a free guided healing meditation fortnightly on Wednesdays 7-8pm AEST. Pm me for more of a link.
Recently Co-Authored Book:
available on Amazon nowhttps://www.amazon.com.au/Awakening-Meet-Women-Birthing-Earth-ebook/dp/B08D1P3SJK
My chapter (16) is on Inter-dimensionality. Pristine energies and infinite potential lie just around the corner – and it is our job to act as human bridges and tap into the quantum potential, and anchor this.