“There is a point of conscious energy hidden in the center, and that point of awareness contains the whole cosmos, space, and the universe.”  Liu Yiming

Improve Health, Wellness & Balance with Qigong and Taichi

Qigong and Taichi teach how to plug into universal energies  – connect with the Tao – Flow  – Enhance the Life Force (chi or Qi) – Cultivate the 3 Treasures; Spirit Heart Body  – Access Healing and Protective Energies within

Drawing on the flowing health exercises of Qigong, an ancient Chinese Taoist system for recuperation and regeneration of health, Julia Chai offers beautiful classes to open, unblock your internal energy flows, & harmonize with those of the universe. The forms taught include Yangstyle 24 Taichi, Wild Goose, 8 Brocades, Guigen (Return to Source) Dragon Daoyin, and Animal Play. Julia has practiced Qigong and Taichi for over 15 years and loves teaching the unique flowing system that harmonizes the energetic, emotional, physical, and mental aspects. For details of classes please call 0412 362338. Classes cost $20 for casual attendance or $15 if purchased in blocks of 5. Details of regular classes are below. Julia also teaches private 1 on 1 class and is available to facilitate Mind Body Wellness at corporate seminars and workshops.

Breathe, Flow and allow the Universe to become a part of you

Sherwood  – Thursdays 9am BCC Active & Healthy

Taichi & Qigong for seniors @Sherwood Arboretum

On Eucapyptus ledge facing the river, no classes during school holidays

West End – Saturday

9:00 – 10:15 am

under Fig Tree cr Hill End Tce/ Montague Rd ($20 per class)

Taichi Qigong

BCC sponsored Gold Classes

Fridays 9:00 am Downfall Environment Center, Chermside

Wednesdays 9:00 am Guyatt Park, St Lucia no classes during school holidays

Taichi Qigong

Demonstration & Teaching Videos

  • Just a little feedback while the experience is still fresh. The process of energy building was very uplifting, so that experience on its own is worthwhile. Following the session, my energy levels increased slightly and somehow this has given me a sense of invigoration and confidence - very positive outcome.

  • Its been a month since you taught me the breathing exercise, and I remember to do the breathing exercise when I drive, watch TV, do work etc.... I see my body toning up. My stomach is firm and flatter. I feel much more energy.

  • Thankyou Julia, I love your Qigong classes. I originally started them to improve my core strength, but as the weeks went by I noticed a change in many other things. I am a chronic sinus sufferer, which comes hand in hand with a sluggish lymphatic system. WOW the release with my sinuses has been incredible I no longer suffer every day with headaches and painful swelling of the glands, I am so so happy I found Qi gong.

  • Thank you Julia for an amazing session yesterday. You are a wonderful therapist and an extremely knowledgeable one. I'm so glad to have met you. It's as though the Qigong classes have opened something up within me. Who would have thought!

  • Thank you so much for the stiff neck acupoint, after Qi gong on Saturday, my neck, back and shoulder have been cleared. It's amazing, even a miracle.
